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Allenville Newspaper Articles




I. O. G. T. at Allenville 1871

Under date of Aug. 1st. A friend at Marble Hill writes as follows: Mr. Witten, S. D. G. W. C. T., I. O. G. T., organized a lodge at Allenville last Monday, (yesterday) evening. Marble Hill lodge goes down tomorrow, (Wednesday) evening, to assist in installation. Twenty-two applicants for charter---sixteen initiated, and the following officers elected. J. L. Graham, W. C. T. Mrs. L. D. Penney, W. V. T. A. C. Sherwood, W. S. T. B. Penney, F. S. Mrs. Barbara Penney, T. G. W. Lewis, W. M. Miss Lucy Bunce, I. G. S. H. Penney, O. G. Dr. J. A. Pietro, P. W. C. T. T. B. Penney, Lodge Deputy.


November 13, 1871

Editor Cash-Book: The appearance of the C. B. gladdened many hearts in our midst last week, and is anxiously sought and looked for when each publication day arrives. We think you ought to have a young army of subscribers in this part of the county. Your agent hero is a live man and up to the times, and we hope to see him going to Jackson soon loaded down with subscription and greenbacks - for the Cash-Book.

We have had some beautiful weather lately and in our ride to Bird’s Island last week we noticed all the farmers hard at work getting in their corn and fodder; and by-the-by, we noticed some very fine crops in that section, and the people are all cheerful over their prospects for next years living.

We learn from Squire Lovelace that some Illinois movers, passing this way last week, called on a neighboring farmer’s corn field at a very late hour, and one of them was helping himself very freely, when he was suddenly surprised by the appearance of the owner, and as they were unable to compromise matter there, the gentleman was arrested and taken before the Justice for trial at the late hour of midnight - which resulted in his paying a fine of $10; and costs, amounting in the aggregate to $30, 30. We would advise all movers to purchase their corn and fodder in daylight, as it would no doubt be got at much lower figures than the above. The good folks of Southeast Missouri are not always asleep, and do not intend to be imposed upon in that style.

There are in our midst two individuals, one of whom we would designate as wearing the robe of righteousness, and the other wearing the garb of peace or law. The man of the Gospel is a Baptist brother, and meeting recently our law friend, it seems they did not agree well about some personal matter, and the man of law gave our ministerial friend the d--d lie. Whereupon he dismounted from his horse and invited the constable to come and knock the difference out on the green sward. But the constable declined to take stock therein, as he was a man of peace. This not being altogether satisfactory, the minister still further invited him to lay off his constableship and he would his ministerial garb, and right then and there they would settle the difference; bury the hatchet, and be good friends forever after. The result we did not remain to see; but hope for a much better example, before our community, and more particularly so from a minister of the Gospel.

We have a good and lively Sabbath school here, where we are taught that our little hands were not made to gouge each others eyes, however hard or difficult it may be to control human nature.

Our town has been very lively of late, and it was court week many of the neighborhood were called to answer the questions of the grand jury. We understand it is reported that some unmitigated scamp has been cutting timber on county land, in this section, which is not altogether true and if the man who reported such stuff would attend to his own business more thoroughly, he would have more friends and less enemies, as meddling does not always pay well.

We were rejoiced to see the genial face of our old friend, Dr. D. D. Emmon in town this week and we find him looking well and hearty; he will probably spend a few days here, on business matters. We are also very glad to learn that President Kimmel is making negotiations for a fall completion of the gravel road beyond the bridge here, which is in a very bad condition, and should be promptly attended to before the fall rains set in.

We learn that Mr. Henry L. Franklin, of the firm of Franklin & Co., of our town has the general western agency for the celebrated Perkins & House non-explosive lamp - and has opened a large and heavy stock of them a No. 418 Olive Street, St. Louis, where you can always see them in operation. Every family in the land should have them, and we would then see and hear less of explosion and people being burned to death. They are cheap and durable and we would advise our merchants visiting St. Louis to call and see them and bring them into this community. They are bound to be the only lamp in use, as they are always safe from fire and explosion.



November 15, 1871

Mr. Editor; Geographically considered, Allenville has commercial advantages possessed by no other point on the I. M. R. R. Situated on the great thoroughfare leading from the older western states to Arkansas and Texas, it is naturally the commercial mart of Northeast Arkansas and the counties west of here in this state; besides having as good shipping facilities by rail as could be desired. No wonder that its friends predicted a brilliant future for the town when the I. M. R. R. was completed to Belmont; and doubtless the prophecy would have been realized long since, had capital, and enterprise been directed here when out town was yet in its infancy.

But pardon me; it was my intention to give you a brief synopsis of events transpiring here, rather than a history of the town itself. Cotton, the great staple of the counties west of us, is coming in slowly, and owing to the indisposition of our merchants to purchase, a great quantity of it is shipped to St. Louis.

Our public school, under the supervision of Mrs. Fern Donaldson, is giving general satisfaction. Mrs. D. is certainly entitled to the thanks as well as the support of our citizens, for the able manner in which she has conducted the school.

The lodge of Good Templars at this place is in a thriving condition, notwithstanding the fact that it was hurriedly instituted, and has grown in numbers faster than has a knowledge of the duties enjoined by the obligation; yet a majority of its members are zealous and determined, and although the lodge suffered some from the consequent reaction, it enters upon the second quarter of its existence with bright hopes and prospects for the future. We trust this organization may prosper for it will do a vast amount of good in this community if its members are faithful in the discharge of their duties. The following are the principal officers for the present quarter: Alex C. Sherwood, W. C. T. Miss F. Donaldson, W. V. T. Charley Sherwood, W. S.

The gravel road west of here, leading to Bloomfield, is sadly out of repair. We hope the proper authorities will take the matter under consideration and have it repaired before the winter rains make it impassible.

Yours truly, QUID MUNC


November 20, 1871

Editor Cash-Book: Since my last we have had rain enough to extinguish several Chicago fires; it is doing a great deal of good, though causing muddy roads in many places. We hear of several hunting parties through the neighboring woods, enjoying the sports of camp-hunting, and frequently see the fruits of their labors in the tine, large deer that are sold here at 4 cents a pound; wild turkeys at 65 cents each; ducks and squirrels in plenty, and the quantity of all sorts of game going to St. Louis by express.

There has been an unusually large amount of cotton and country produce generally shipped from this point lately---one day requiring as many as four cars for cotton alone. There are also shipped daily large quantities of staves and stave bolts - which go to the factory at Marble Hill. Our friend Dr. S. S. Harris has a large contract in this line and is doing a thrifty business.

One Friday night of last week a sad accident occurred at the farm of Robt. Renfroe, about two miles below town. The colored population of the country had gathered and were carrying on a frolic at the late hour of 4 o’clock, a colored boy named carroll Timmerman tried to draw a double shot gun from under the house; the hammer caught on something and fell. The contents of both barrels were discharged into his breast, killing him instantly. The justice of the peace was notified of the fact, and Mr. Wiley Griffith, Constable, soon had a jury assembled. After a full investigation the jury brought in the verdict that “The deceased came to his death by a gun shot from his own hands.” Carroll was a good boy, peaceable and quiet, always attentive to his own business . How often the public are warned by such accidents---and yet how frequently we are called upon to record them. There cannot be too much care taken with loaded fire-arms, for they are dangerous “without lock, stock, or barrel.” Our place is generally free from accidents, rows, &c, and we hope never again to be called upon to narrate so painful an incident.

We noticed in town Saturday several Bloomfield merchants on their way home from St. Louis, where they had been to purchase goods. Among them was our friend James L. Hale, who is carrying on a hardware business at Bloomfield, and is driving a big trade.



November 27,1871

Editor Cash-Book: Winter has been closing in upon us quite severely of late, bringing along with it a mantle of snow. Overcoats and shawls are very necessary now; a large stock of these articles are kept by Messrs. Burgess & Co., and we notice that they are disposing of a goodly number at low prices - a fact which our farmers are taking advantage of.

Notwithstanding the snow and cold, our Bloomfield and West Prairie friends keep rolling in with cotton and produce, and seem to get along very well until they get to the end of the gravel road across Whitewater and the bridge. The former is yet in a very bad condition; the latter is kept by a lady, and collecting toll in the snow and cold, we think rather belongs to the duty of man. However, all agree that Mrs. P. is a good collector and a business woman.

We must say something more about President Kimmel, believing it a duty to urge a speedy repair of our road here, and hope that he will abandon all excuses and delays, and proceed to business soon.

Last Tuesday we saw the bridal party from Cape Girardeau board the cars for an Eastern trip, accompanied to this place by our mutual friend W. V. Leech and Col. Wilson. We wish them a pleasant trip and safe return.

We learn that Dr. S. S. Harris is soon to take a long journey for his health, and will probably call at Snider’s Mill and Jackson, before his return. The Doctor looks as if a few weeks of leisure and recreation would do him a great deal of good; unless he recovers soon from his lost love, he’s a goner.

William and Solomon are still on their pegs; but we a unable to fully decide which of them is ahead. We are inclined to put our faith in Sol, as Will. Spends most of his time hunting up oxen.

I will not give you any of our school matters now, as I noticed that this subject was taking most of “Quid Nune’s” time; and no doubt be will give you “geographically” all the details in his next. However we cannot pass the matter by without saying a word in favor of our excellent lady teacher Mrs. F. Donaldson - who keeps a first-class school and is highly esteemed by all her acquaintances. Pond, tho renowned book man of Allenville, has gone to St. Louis to rusticate for his health. Giles and the white mule have gone to Rackansack to hunt up the lost tribe of debtors. The railroad still runs and was not in the least affected by the late cold weather.

More anon, DUNLEATH


December 4, 1871

Editor Cash-Book: Since my last, our town has experienced the change from pleasant fall weather to cold, dreary winter. Everyone seems to be satisfied with the change, however -as most of the time at this period of the year our roads abound with mud, while this season Jack Frost was promptly on hand, and we can now get through the streets quite comfortably.

The last week has been one of unusual activity among our business men generally, and a large amount of cotton has been purchased and shipped from this point---one firm getting seventeen bales in one day. A great many dressed hogs (of an average of about 130 pounds) have also come in, which sell from $4 to $5 a hundred---a very good price we think, as there has been but very little corn fed to hogs this year in this section., they have been generally prepared for market by the unusually good oak mast. We noticed our friend Marchildon, from Cape Girardeau, driving a fine drove through town , which he had purchased in the lower country at 3c per pound gross, and we think that they can be bought much cheaper before January next, as our farmers all need the “wherewith”. We noticed the fact, that a great deal of money has been paid out by our merchants and they do not have the selling of so many goods this year----requiring less help in large stores, which is all small advantage to the merchants that way.

Mr. H. L. Franklin, of the firm Franklin & Co., informs me that they paid out over $5,000 last week for cotton alone, besides about $1,200 for pork, hides and general produce. In former years our farmers would “Trade Out” about one-half of what their produce brought, and we must congratulate them this year on good prices paid in cash, for money commands a higher per cent, at bank than for some time back, and it takes gilt-edged paper to get it even at the present rates.

There is a good chance in our town for a corn speculator to make money now, as there is a large amount of it in the country which can be bought at reasonable figures. As that business requires a man’s whole time, our merchants are not taking hold of this article with their usual vim, and do not like to mettle with “Outside” matters, as they term it. But now is the time for some man to take hold and make money.

We hear of several cases of winter fever in our community ; but generally the health of our people is good, and all seem to get along well. We noticed that the large circular saw mill across Whitewater river, belonging to the estate of John Penney, is advertised for sale on the seventh day of this month, and we hope to see plenty of cash bidders on the spot, as the property is a fortune to any man that will take hold of and run it right, there being every facility for lumbering close at hand.



December 11, 1871

Editor Cash-Book: News is now above par and entirely out of our market this last week, and we do not have anything of an exciting nature to report from this end of Cape county. The going and coming of friends and strangers at our railroad depot increases as the cold weather advances, owing to the fact that the great Father of Waters is now in an unnavigable condition. We already see car loads of goods coming here, from St. Louis, for our Cape Girardeau City merchants, via the St. L. & I M. R. R, and we learn that a transfer company is about to be organized and teams and wagons put upon the road between here and the Cape, to facilitate freight matters through the winter. No doubt this will prove remunerative to the enterprising members of the company.

We have had some very pleasant weather of lat, and there has been some hope of steamboats running some hope of steamboats running again; but in all probability that will not be for some time. We are told aged trappers and hunters that all the furred animals have an extraordinary fine coat of fur this winter, and the farmers tell us that the shucks on the corn a thick and heavy - indicating a hard and cold winter before us. However, we hope not, as river communication would be entirely cut off were this to prove the case. But we hope ere another winter, to see the Cape Girardeau, Arkansas and Texas Railroad completed from beginning to end - furnishing a means of conveyance to the city of Cape Girardeau, for if ever there was a place that needed a railroad, it is the city above mentioned.

I saw our merchants active and lively making heavy purchases in cotton and general produce last week, as the Cape Girardeau mardet was a little weak, and the farmers are sharp enough to gather these facts long before they arrive - consequently they sell in Allenville.

I see in my rounds that the house of Franklin & Co. are receiving several car loads of goods, and; among them a large and well selected stock of boots and shoes which we are informed are to be sold cheap - the prices will suit the times.

The circular saw mill was sold as advertised, and purchased by Wm. Penny for the low sum of $900. We are in hopes he will soon get his oxen hunted up, and put them to work logging, and do a heavy lumber trade, as he has got the snap himself when once started and can drive business to an advantage.

The toll gate yet swings to and fro, for the sum of 25 cents and upwards, as the case may be.

Brown’s Hotel does a large business. Among its late guests, we saw our mutual friend, M. P. Abbott, of St. Louis, special agent of the St. Louis Convenant Mutual Life Insurance Company, looking around seeking whom he might devour, and bringing along with him his usual attractions. We noticed him go into the establishment of Mr. Burgess & Co. and make several purchases from their well selected stock of dry goods, proving the fact that goods are sold as cheap, if not cheaper here than in St. Louis.

Our mutual friend Jacob Kneibert, Jr., of Jackson, spent a night with us on his return from St. Louis, looking after his late purchase of goods; we hope Jake will be successful, as his father is an old tried friend of ours, of many years standing - wish that he might live always.

Is Dave Richardson yet living, and if so, why did he not come out with the Jackson hunters - Davis and Edwards, of Mud Town Arkansas? The party, we are informed, went home heavily laden with game - deer, ducks, &c.,&c.

Mr. H. L. Franklin and his estimable lady arrived in town on Saturday morning from the East, and we are glad to see the Madam looking so fine and well.

One of the members of the firm of Messrs. Franklin & Co., informed us this morning, that they purchased and shipped last Friday seventy bales of cotton, raised in Green county, Arkansas, and for which they paid the round price of 16 cents a pound - all of it being a first-class article.

We had the pleasure of listening to a good sound sermon on Sunday night, from the Rev. Mr. Lacy, of St. Louis, and his discourse was full of eloquence and affectionate feeling, that reached to the innermost parts of man’s soul; we hope that he will favor us oftener in future.

Ever thine, DUNLEATH


December 18, 1871

Editor Cash-Book: Still they come; and the rush of business at our railroad station is a grand imposing spectacle to witness, and enough to astonish the natives of any land. Beautiful weather and fine roads are temptations that few farmers can withstand, and then, the holidays are fast approaching, and all seem to have but the one object in view, viz: To make purchases for another year, and get the little ones something to please them in the way of sugar toys and notions.

On making our usual rounds about town Saturday we did not notice anything of great interest going on.

Mr. D. A. Nichols, has purchased the saloon formerly occupied by R. Renfroe, and has put in a very excellent and fine stock of wines and whiskies. This we can prove, for “Nick,” in his gentlemanly and courteous manner had us to sample some of his best.

The livery stables are all busy and doing a thriving business, and we see that Mr. J. Pendergrass, of your place, has taken up his abode among us, with good backs and fine horses to supply the demands of all comers and goers.

The stave business is still rushing along at a rapid rate, and thousands are piled along the track ready for shipment to St. Louis. We hear some talk of a barrel factory being put into operation here; in our judgment it would be a paving institution, as these parts abound plentifully with the best of white and red oak, and No. 1 cypress. We hope to see the thing put in motion soon, as it would doubtless employ a good many men, who now seem to have nothing to do--but loaf about town and around the grog shops.

The Western Union Telegraph Company is putting up a direct line from New Orleans to St. Louis, and have it already completed past our place; we saw the superintendent putting in some instruments in this office. It is designed to make this one of their test offices, and in consequence there is a large number of men employed cutting down the timber along the line, back far enough, so that the tallest tree can not injure it were they to be blown down; this makes the cut through the timber of the railroad much broader than usual - as one might suppose, all this, brings life and business to our little town.

Among the numerous piles of freight at our depot, we saw a heavy job power press, which we were informed was on its way to the office the O-B., and would advise all our me chants in want of job printing to give you a trial, as we feel assured you can supply all demands with one of those celebrated presses.

Our school is still progressing finely.

Mr. T. B. Penny, made a trip to St. Louis las week on business for the church here; so we are told, for, as his feelings are tender, we do not wish to make a wrong statement in regard to the matter. However, we hope he will pardon our misgivings - and to do unto others as we would wish to be done by, has always been our motto.

Hold, here comes the express, and we will not take more of your space now, as we are anxious to see if the Merchants Exchange of St. Louis have subscribed money enough to punch all the ice out of the river from there to Cairo, as was their idea last week - so au revoir.



December 25, 1871

Editor Cash-Book -- We wish you all a Merry Christmas, as this is the day. Business is generally suspended all over town, and good people are trying to enjoy themselves, and make all things pleasant for their friends and relatives. Everybody seems genial and good natured, a feeling seeming to exist which in many persons is not observed oftener than once a year, as they are always cross and huffy, even in their own home circles. We think the wife and children of such men hail this day with joy and gladness. Do we not all wish for them that every day would pass like this? And while we in this part of the country are enjoying the pleasures of the happy day, we wonder how the poor children of New York, and other large cities are passing the time? Would to God that all had plenty!

There was quite a sensation in town this morning, on account of a report that Mr. T.R. Ross and Miss Nancy Renfroe were married under rather peculiar circumstances. We are informed that Mr. Sol and Mr. Williams were sitting in the house with the old folks at the time, when the young lady gave them all the slip. We hope a speedy reconciliation may soon be brought about between the young pair and the brides parents, as such things are always unpleasant---happen when they may. We will only add now that we wish the young people a pleasant journey through life, and that their ship may never be wrecked nor stranded on a barren coast.

We are the owner of a ticket to the grand ball in Morley tonight, and if nothing happens we shall be very apt to complete our Christmas day there. The weather bids fair to be pleasant this evening, and we doubt not of it being a splendid party.

Old Santa Claus was around last evening, among the little folks. Wish he wouldn’t forget the larger ones on his next visit.

I have lots of items that I could give you, but---well, it’s Christmas, you know, and there is a certain item to be looked after, else your servant may be forced to attend the ball alone.

Truly Thine. Dunleath


March 4, 1872

Editor Cask-Book: You may be somewhat surprised to again see My hand writing after so long a silence. However, My apology must be made in person at some future day.

The good people of our town seem to be doing as well, if not better than some of their neighbors in towns more remote from a great line of transfer and navigation. There seems to be greenbacks enough to run things along very smoothly here. Generally speaking, a man can always get plenty of money, if he works for it.

Some of our best citizens have been taken suddenly ill with the Texas fever, and are rapidly completing their arrangements to leave us. We are sorry to learn that our mutual friend, Mr. T. J. Rodney, is among the number who propose making their home in the Lone Star State. God bless, and go with him, and we trust fortune will shower down upon him her golden bounties. His great sale of horses, cattle, farming implements, and machinery came off Saturday last at his Riverside farm, about one-half mile below town, the net proceeds of which were near three thousand dollars. We did not interrogate him with the usual question as to when he would leave us, but took it for granted that Tom "meant business".

Between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock in the evening when the people were coming from the sale, and the road full of a live moving mass, a difficulty occurred near or in front of Mr. R. Masterson's Saloon and the toll gate between two men named respectively, Wm. Loyd and Shain Ross. From those who saw the fracas we learn that Loyd came up behind Ross and hit him a blow that brought Ross to the ground, and then jumped on him and commenced to beating him severely about the head and face. Ross is a small statue, and Loyd just the reverse. Ross got from under him some way, being most too small a handful for such a giant to grasp. Loyd then drew his pistol, but was promptly met and his attempt foiled and he started to walk off. In the meantime, Ross borrowed a pistol from George Meyer and as he came out of the Saloon, it went off accidentally. Loyd supposing the shot was intended for him, wheeled and fired, but missed his aim. Whereupon Ross took deliberate aim at his antagonist and and fired, the ball lodged in Loyd's heart causing almost instant death. The constable was soon on the spot and promptly arrested Ross and Meyer. Loyd by this time being beyond all hope of recovery. The Murderous affair caused intense excitement throughout our town and community, and all feel much chagrined that our little place should again be the scene of such a tragedy. Comments upon the character of both parties are unnecessary ; but rumor says they are (here's a missing word). The preliminary examination will be held today at the office of W. H. Lovelace Esq. after which we shall be able to give you particulars. We learned that Mr. Tichenor is about to surrender Brown's Hotel to Mrs. Sandy Ross of Cape Girardeau, also that Mr. Geo. H. Lewis is about to sell his livery Stable. Mr. Wm. Pond after settling up the business of Franklin & Co. and his own, is off tomorrow on a pleasure trip to New Orleans, and we wish him a pleasant journey. If they take a few more of our old reliables out of Allenville we think it will be a dead goose. Mr. Milan C. Axe, and family have removed to Marble Hill, and Mr. Axe is going to the crescent City.

Among the Hotel arrivals we noticed Farmer L. Hale with several other of our Bloomfield friends.

Truly Yours, Dunleath.


March 9, 1872

Editor Cash-Book: The account given in your last issue by “Slocus” of the recent affray here was obtained from an eye witness. If any fact was inserted or omitted that would prejudice the public mind either way, it was unintentional. As the case has been moved to your town on change of venue, we presume you will be enabled to get the particulars of the case without any trouble.

We noticed that Mrs. Ross has opened a boarding house in the corner saloon building, lately occupied by Mr. Rodney. As her house is conveniently located, we presume she will obtain a liberal share of the public patronage.

Our correspondent, Dunleath seems disposed to give our friend Pond all the honors of traveling without it’s dangers or fatigue. Some time ago he accused Pond of being rusticating in St. Louis, and now says he is off for New Orleans on a pleasure trip---when, really , he is one of the best young men in town to stay at home. Some are of the opinion that they (Pond and Dunleath) will marry, while a majority of our citizens are of the opinion that the twain are already one flesh.

We understand that Mr. Penney will start his steam saw mill shortly, we also learned that he wishes to dispose of a half interest in the saw mill. As his machinery is new and substantial and lumber commands a better price than it has for some time, it would undoubtedly be a good investment. We hear of a great deal of sickness and several deaths in the vicinity.

We neglected to state that the body of Loyd was taken up this week and the ball extracted. It proved to be a small one, thus removing are possibility of Loyd’s having accidentally shot himself in the melee, as his pistol carried a much larger ball than the one that was extracted from the body.

Yours &c. SLOCUS


March 20, 1872

Mr. Editor : That there may be no mistake made in regard to the mortality of Allenville and surrounding country, I wish to say that there has been only one death in Allenville and two in the vicinity this season. I have treated one hundred and thirty-nine cases and only three out of that number have died.

Respectfully, J. H. PRIETO


April 6, 1872

Mr. Editor: Local items are about as scarce with us as honest radical office-holders or whales in White Water - which of the latter are the “scarcest” I leave for some one interested to decide.

Not one of our good looking young men are to likely to step off the stage of single blessedness this leap year, although they may be seen at all hours of the day promenading the streets for the admiration of the fair sex. Poor fellows! Before another leap year shall roll round some of them will be classed with the old bachelors, and then farewell to all matrimonial expectations. How gladly we would chronicle the event if some one of Eve’s fair daughters would seize one of them -P-, for instance, and drag him, cigar and all, to Hymen’s altar.

Politically, Allenville is all right on the goose. No, that aint the animal, either - all’ right on the ‘possum. We are in favor of any party that will lighten taxes and give us a chance to make a living. We understand that Neighbor Satin, of Welch Township, will not be a candidate before the Cincinnati convention for the first position on the ticket, but is willing to put up with the second, or any fat office. Such disinterested patriotism is commendable, and 3 am. Should not lose his reward.

Genius, like water, will find its loved. We understand that the M. C. axe, (Sam’s Patent), has migrated to Arkansas, and been elevated to the position of deputy under a nigger sheriff. We hope there is room enough left in the nigger shanties for all the blue-bellied carpetbag scalawags that have cursed our town with their presence ever since it had an existence, and can assure Bro. Sambo that he is welcome to that class of men, who have tried to enrich themselves in this vicinity at the expense of the growth and prosperity of our town. We presume there is a better article of the genius Yank in New England than those we have had to deal with; but they must be kept for ornaments at home.

We understand that the slander suit of Miss Pulford vs. Rodney, has been decided in the U.S. circuit court at St. Louis this week. Miss Pulford sued Rodney for $20,000 damages for a remark made by some of Rodney’s family in regard to her. Sue obtained a verdict for $1,100. As both parties were formerly citizens of this place, the suit excited considerable interest in our community.

Owing to the death of Mr. Entler, Mr. Kimmel has not opened out his stock of groceries.

We understand that some persons, disguised, went to a man’s house, some where between Allenville and Lakeville, one night last week, and finding nothing eatable on the premises, or any preparation for obtaining anything, gave the gentleman a slight reminder (of his duties as a married man and father) in the shape of a year old hickory. Can’t say whether they were K.K.K.’s or some of Murdoch’s army looking for whiskey stills.

Dave Allen has the best stock of goods ever brought to this market and is offering them cheap for cash, or in exchange for country produce.

Mr. Masterson has reopened his saloon at the old drug store of Dr. Emon’s, where can be had at all times as good an article of benzine as can be found in town.

Good night; may pleasant dreams be yours, SLOCUS


June 10, 1872

Dear C. B. : After a silence of some time I will again attempt to give you the current items of the day. I can offer no other excuse for my seeming neglect but a lack of news interesting enough to entertain the readers of the C. B.

Just now Allenville seems to be void of any locals, unless we tell you of the raid made by the Ku Klux last Thursday night. They paid us a visit to the great terror of the colored population, who seem to have a superstitions dread of anything that pertains to Ku Kluxism. They did no harm to any one that we’re aware of, only disturbing the rest of some of our citizens. We understand they visited a Pseudo-minister of the gospel about ten nights ago and gave him forty stripes, save one ; didn’t hear what reason they assigned for thus treating him, but learned he had been paying his devoirs to some of the softer sex---Who were frail if not fair---to the neglect of his own family.

Dr. Prieto want all the roots and herbs that he can procure, particularly, ginseng, Seneca, snake and yellow root. By-the-way, doc. Has opened an ice cream saloon at the old stand of Renfroe & Graham, where he will be pleased to see his friends and the public at large. The lodge of Good Templars at this place is in a prosperous condition and have accessions to their number every week. They intend holding a festival in a short time for the benefit of their lodge, of which due notice will be given.

Messrs. Hinton & Nichols are preparing to open a stock of dry goods at Emon’s old stand. T. E. Ross, formally of Dutchtown, has opened a saloon and boarding house in the S. L. & I. M. R. R. saloon building. We would recommend Mr. and Mrs. Ross to any one desirous of procuring a square meal.

The toll bridge is undergoing repairs under the supervision of Mr. Sewell. Judging from the number of mutilated cattle we see around town, the I. M. R. R. is doing a smashing business.



June 24th 1872

riend Cash-Book : As "Slocus" has become so slow, I thought I would write in his stead this week. Though there is not much news we always like to have our town represented in your paper.

Messrs, Hinton, & Nichols have opened their new store and will sell good goods for as little money as any other country firm. Allenville and vicinity are organizing a courting society and no member is allowed to do any courting in day light, except on Sunday and then they have to be at "Lakeville" Church.

Dr. Prieto has opened an Ice Cream Saloon near the depot, and is prepared to dish up first class Ice Cream and Lemonade; and if that does not suit your taste, he can give you a first class dose of good sized pills---or any other manner.

The wife of Mr. Wm. B. O'Neal died last night about 8:00. Mrs. O'Neal was a good wife and Mother, and leaves a large family to mourn her loss. The I.O.G.T. in Allenville is progressing finely, and it is to be hoped will do much good in driving away intemperance, for Allenville is often visited by this unpleasant gent.

Corn crops in this neighborhood are very promising to date. As this is my first, I will ask you to put up with a little, and will try and do better next time".

Good night, Jim Beckworth.


A Card to the Public Allenville, Mo., August 5, 1872

Having been solicited by many friends, I have concluded to become a candidate for the legislature, subject to the decision of the Democratic convention.

I have ever been a democrat, and shall adhere to the principles of that party. So long as they aim at civil reform and retrenchment in appropriations from the public treasury.

Should the convention honor me with the nomination, I shall endeavor to represent the interests of my constituents and as above suggested.

Shall be in favor of an economical administration of State government, and opposed to railroad and other monopolies as well as appropriating the public fund for the use of private enterprise .

Owing to sickness in my family, I will not be able to canvass the country thoroughly before the convention meets.

Respectfully, M. H. LOVELACE


September 13, 1872

Mr. Cash-Book: We see the X on our paper, and as it is now out of the question to try to get along without the C-B, we just go for our last $2 William and send it to you. And while sending you this will try to add a few items.

The first new cotton of the season passed up today - so look out for a big blow from the Marble City folks - or, maybe, it goes to the Mound City.

We see that the bridge here is in a much better condition than it ever was before. Now, if Mr. Kimmel will give some one the job of repairing the half mile on the other side of the river, it will add much to his already good presidential management of the company and greatly to the convenience of the traveling public, and it will save the toll gatherer much insult and abuse and probably other trouble unnecessary to mention now.

There are a few cases of sickness here now. Mrs. A McNeely and Mrs. Graham have both been very ill, but thanks to the medical skill of Dr. Prieto they are out of danger. We are sorry to record that the infant child of Mrs. Eli Payne is very low at present, but we hope that it will recover yet. The wife of Mr. D. Maupin was bitten by a snake the other day.

Saw Doc. Evett of Spring Hill on his way to Illinois to see his sick wife, who is there on a visit to her relatives. Doc. Had his pretty little two year old daughter with him. Also saw our friend Zal Penney on his way to St. Louis to purchase a stock of goods. Zal is going it alone now, and we wish him success for he deserves it.

We have a public school-house at last, thanks to Messrs. Henry Bunn, C. L. Sherwood and T. B. Penney - J. L. Graham is boss; guide them right, Joe. Tell them life is real - that very soon they must hold the reins, and that now is the time to sow the good seed. Coax ‘em a little, Joe, and if that won’t do, give ‘em a little hickory tea seasoned with moderation. Tell them that Honest Horace went to school when he was a boy and was taught to be magnanimous there, and that he is going to be our next president. Tell them they must let cigars and whiskey alone or they will know what Old Nicks Kingdom means.

We See that Mr. Fox Hunter pitches into old Cape like a thousand of gallinippers; if he doesn’t know what that means, just send him down in these parts and he will have to count their scars instead of Cape township candidates. Mr. Fox Hunter, we think you jumped a few buttons. We looked ever the announcement column, and we couldn’t find but four from the Cape. Now, sir, if you please, count while we name - Albert, Hope, Burrough and Wilson; from Byrd - Snider, hays English, Ware Welling, Gramer and Fullenwider - which did you say, Mr. Fox Hunter? Excuse us, we think Byrd has the most; and that the people, the voters, may see how these things stand, we will tell where the others hail from. Lovelace, from Welch, Hines and Frissell from Apple Creek, Peterman from White Water, and Penney from Hubble. Pretty well scattered, according to the last election for governor, except Byrd, which has a little too many for its last Democratic vote. But we are all Liberal Democrats now, and the entitles the Cape to more that Byrd. But lets drop all rivalries and 1 select the best men we have, go forth to meet the Rads. - and they are ours. Brethre, of the same political household should work together in harmony an peace; do this, Fox Hunter, and we will win.



September 21, 1872

Ed. C. B. :-- Although feeling considerably “under the weather,” I will try to tell you what is transpiring here.

Business dull. Farmer looking anxiously, and praying for rain, to enable them to sow their wheat.

Notwithstanding the recent drought, crops will be an average in this vicinity. Mr. Frank Jackson has moved his saw mill, near the intersection of the Jackson, Bloomfield, and Cape Girardeau road.

Dr. Prieto has returned from Columbus, having been honorably acquitted of the charges brought against him. If you are sick, you can still find at his office; unless he is away administering to the wants of others.

There is a good deal of sickness, mostly of billions type, amongst us. A short visit from Jack Frost, would improve the general health of this community.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Payne, of New Madrid County, died of Meningitis at the residents of Mrs. L. D. Penney, this week.

Owning to physical weakness I will have to subscribe myself.

Yours briefly, SLOCUS


December 30, 1872

Dear C.B.: Is it not strange that all persons with not avail themselves of the benefits of so useful and important vehicle as a well conducted county paper? In fact, it appears to me that it is one of the indispensable necessaries of life. For instance, we were accosted by a friend the other day, “Do you know where the tax collector can be found this week; I want to pay my taxes and don’t want to ride to Jackson or Cape Girardeau, unless I know the collector would be there.” I pulled my C. B. from my pocket and gave him the desired information at the same time informing him that the C. B. only cost $2 a year and was worth ten times that amount for the county news it contained. A farmer came to me to know if I could give him a cure for the epixootie, as he had a valuable horse that was suffering and would probably die unless he obtained relief. I handed him the ever ready Cask-Book, and sure enough there was the proper remedies laid down as plain as A. B. C. I think your subscription list will be increased at least two in a few days.

A man by the name of Baker was run over by a locomotive at this place a week or two ago, and was so seriously injured that one of his legs had to be amputated, and fears were entertained that the other one would have to be also.

“Dot” comes down rather heavy on Peter’s engineer. Louie has the reputation of being clever and accommodating on this end of the line. “Dot” should not let his angry passions get the better of him, for no man can please everyone.

Dell. Nichols, of the firm of Hinton & Nichols, has been absent for some time. We will give you an item under the head of marriages when he returns.

Yours, PUNK


January 27, 1873

Dear C. B. : Since my last, death has been amongst us and left desolate the home of several of our citizens. Mr. J. M. Crane died of meningitis two week ago ; his remains were carried to Union Town, Ky. For interment. The wife of Mr. William Lape died of the same disease a week ago. The little daughter of I. W. Patterson, living one mile west of here, died yesterday morning, but of what disease we were unable to learn.

After the body of Mrs. Lape had been interred, a report was circulated that she had been beaten to death by her husband, and a lady who assisted in dressing her, stated that her back was literally cut to pieces ; and went before Squire Hinton and testified to the above statement. The justice held a post mortem examination and the statement proven to be false. We should think that any physician of common cause could distinguish between meningitis and a bruised back, and have saved the already disturbed husband, the sorrow of having the body disinterred, as well as the shame of being tried as her murder. We learned that Mr. Lape will commence legal proceedings against the parties that originated the report.

Mr. W. H. Bunn has returned from his farm in Mississippi and is as good natured and genial as ever. D. A. Nichols has returned from his old house near Chicago, accompanied by his beautiful and accomplished bride ; May life’s choicest blessings be theirs.

John Pinion, of the firm Craine & Co. returned from Kentucky last week. Billy Lewis has sold his livery stable to Mr. James Thompson who will continue the business at the old stand.

Messrs. Renfroe & Ross will soon put up a stock of family groceries at Franklin & Co’s old stand.

Weathers cold ; freight receipts light.



April 21, 1873

Dear C. B. : Just waking up from a long winter snooze I find a few items awaiting my pen. The Enterprise Company at this place are sawing and shipping a quantity of lumber, and buying all the poplar timber in the vicinity and are paying the highest market price for the same. Our fine neighborhood has been deprived of some of it’s best citizens by removal ; amongst others our old friends Archy McNeely, and no less clever and urbane Tom B. Penney, who has left us to undertake the duties of county assessor.

Mr. Nohe is no longer agent for the I. M. R. R. at this place ; but the company have secured the services of Cy. Harris, and the public will find Cy. “Square” and wide awake, ready to attend to any business pertaining to his office.

Messrs. Hinton & Nichols have the best stock of dry good ever brought to town. If you don’t believe it come and see for yourself.



July 14, 1873

Ed. C. B. : A lack of any news worthy of notice has prevented me from keeping any corner in the peoples favorite news paper. Our community has been unusually sickly for the last month, but owning to the energy and skill of our M. Ds. Few cases have proved fatal. Our fun loving young folks are going to treat themselves and friends to a picnic on Thursday, the 24th of this month. The C. B. is hereby invited to attend, as a certain dark-eyed beauty in this community is anxious to make the acquaintance of the man that makes the C. B.

Molly Sherwood better known to the readers of the C. B. as Billy Reed was arrested at this place several weeks ago, charged with stealing “hoss” in Arkansas. Billy owned the corn and returned to Arkansas in charge of an officer of that state. Corduroy’s certainly do not agree with Billy’s morals.

A sad accident at Smith & Stewart’s saw mill, at Caney Creek last Friday, resulted in the death of Thomas Bolin Jr. Young Bolin sat down near the fly wheel of the engine, which was in motion, to rest and by some unaccountable means fell into the fly wheel and before the engine could be stopped was literally knocked to pieces by the motion of the engine. He was an intelligent and industrious young man, and had many warm friends in this community who deeply deplore his untimely death.

Our citizens generally favor the tax for securing the Normal School to Cape County, but there are a few fogy’s who think education would ruin the country, and that are opposed to it.

Chinch bugs are making sad havoc with late corn in this neighborhood and appear to be growing rapidly worse.

Good night. SLOCUS.


November 10, 1873

Editor C. B. : I have postponed writing for some time vainly hoping that something would turn up worthy of notice : but I have concluded to writ anyway, and let you know that some of us at least are still yet in the land of the living.

Very little doing in the way of improvement, Mr. J. C. Renfroe is building a rear addition to his storehouse which I learn will be used for a dwelling. The mill company are putting in more machinery and other wise improving their establishment.

Our town was visited by the Ku Klux last week ; but as they did not favor anyone particularly with a call, the object of their visit remains a mystery.

C. H. Harris, the gentlemanly freight and express agent at this place, has gone to St. Louis to recuperate his health, which has been on the decline for some time. We hope he will shortly return with his usual good health and spirits restored.

Wonder why the Dutchtown telegraph company don’t extend their wire to Allenville and place themselves in telegraphic communication with the outer world? It would be a convenience to the citizens of that place would certainly appreciate .

We like your correspondent Nell’s letters-only they are a little too short. Give us a long letter next week, Nell.

Has Cape Rock succumbed to the waves of old 14’s ridicule and floated down the current with Little Jim, Dot and other correspondents who were once won’t to regal the readers of the C. B. with a weekly feast of Cape news? We hope not.

We learn that a passenger coach of a down train was discovered to be on fire at Marquand this morning, and was entirely consumed.

Yours, SLOCUS.


January 12, 1874

Friend C. B. : The holidays have come and gone, bringing joy and pleasure to some, and disappointment, pain and death to others. Amongst the latter was Jas. O’Neal, a resident of Hubble township, who was thrown from his horse on the road between Gordonville and his residence, and was so severely injured that he died shortly after the accident occurred.

The head sawyer at Starks’ lumber mill was badly though not fatally injured several days ago by his team and wagon running over him. The previous night the main belt of the mill was consumed by fire ; but whether the work of an incendiary or accident is not known.

A night or two afterwards a pile of lumber at Keeney & Co’s mill caught fire from an old tree near the mill ; but was fortunately discovered and extinguished before much damage was done.

Our old friend Squire Hinton is building a drug store and will soon have a complete stock of drugs direct from St. Louis.

Our dry good merchants have replenished their stocks and are now offering goods low down for cash.

Johnny Clodfelter, formerly with Mr. Burgess at the Cape, is with Mr. Renfroe in the dry goods business.



February 7, 1874

Editor C. B. : Another one of those tragic scenes for which this portion of country has almost become proverbial, was enacted in our neighborhood last Tuesday. On the morning of that day, information was brought to this place that a young man by the name of Bell was hanging dead in the barn at the Hunter farm, on the road leading to Cape Girardeau. Squire Hinton immediately repaired to the spot and proceeded to hold an inquest over the remains. We have not heard the nature of their verdict. Rumors of foul play have been circulated ; but up to this time no one particular has been implicated.

A son of Mr. Stewart living near Four Mile, Dunklin county, was accidentally thrown from his wagon last Thursday evening, and the wheels passing over his head caused his death almost instantly. His remains were brought to this place on Thursday evening, where a coffin was procured, and his grief stricken father continued his journey home.

Cy. Harris, the clever and accommodating agent for the Iron Mountain Railroad at this place, has been removed to Sikestone, on the Cairo, Arkansas & Texas road. His continued bad health made it necessary for him to change localities. No agent of the Company has ever given such satisfaction to both the Company and it’s patrons as Mr. Harris, and we cordially recommend him to the citizens of his new home.

Squire Hinton’s drug store is doing a good business, and supplies a want long felt in this community.

Three fights this week up to 9 o’clock this A. M. and the upper end of town to hear from, is the combative status of Allenville.

Business is rather improving this month with our merchants.



November 29, 1875

- C. H. Billings, paymaster on the I. M. R. R. went down the other day, dispursing greenbacks to the boys, and smiles to his many friends on the road.

- W. D. Ross, the renowned photographer of Jackson, was in town today visiting his friends and acquaintances in this locality. Come often, Deming.

- Quarterly meeting will commence at the M. E. Church next Saturday. We understand that preparations are being made for a large attendance of ministers as well as lay brethren.

- We have just been informed that a mad dog has been paying a visit to our adjoining friends in Scott county, and succeeded in biting a dozen or more of his fellow canines, in the vicinity of Caney Creek.

- We are sorry to see our old friend L. M. Bean, Esq., has resigned the constableship of this township. Hope your health will improve old boy, and that you will yet decide to remain in the kingdom of Hubble.

- We learned that the body of a man was found dead this morning, below here, on what is called “ The Thumb.” We have been unable, so far, to get the particulars. Preparations are being made to hold an inquest over the remains.

- Business is better with our merchants, Coon skins, the currency of the lower country, are circulating rapidly and are eagerly sought for by our merchants as well as the hunters in the swamps, much to the detriment of the original owners of said skins.



February 28, 1876

- Owing to the scarcity of coon skins, trade is in a languishing condition with our merchants at present.

- New time table on the I.M.R.R. as the freights. Trains south through, and the north local, meet and pass the up passenger here at 10:40 AM.

- An interesting trial for unlawful detainer will take place before Squire Hinton next Tuesday on a change of venue from Aso Stoval, Esq. Devore et al vs. Boutwell. Ticknor for defendant. Plaintiff not as yet represented by county.

- H. C. Hinton, justice of the peace, acting as coroner, held an inquest over the body of J. A. Kinch, who was found dead two miles below here in the swamp. Verdict of the jury was the deceased came to his death by some natural cause unknown to them.

- Abraham Rice is, or rather was, a citizen of Welch township. He located there about two years ago, and was considered a quiet, inoffensive citizen by his neighbors. Last week a sheriff from some county in Illinois cam along and arrested Rice for murder committed in that state several years ago. It is understood that Rice was indicted for murder in the first degree, and left Illinois to avoid arrest.

- They are here, too; we mean the tramps. Some time ago one of the gentry called upon our accommodating bar keeper, Tom Renfroe for something to keep body and soul together. Thomas, not suspecting the financial condition of his customer, handed out the desired beverage. After disposing of the aforesaid necessary of life, he went forth, and accosted a naïve Tenton in his own dialect and asked him for the loan of ten cents. He was accommodated with the desired amount of change, and returned to Thomas and liquidated the debt that Tom doubtless thought a “gone gosling.” Moral: -est simply because they haven’t got the ready cash to pay their bills.



March 27, 1876

-No mail from the west on Friday on account of high water.

- As spring approaches signs of the political fray are visible. About every other man we meet is very anxious about our health as well as that of Mrs. Slocus and the little Slocuses.

- A tramp with more enterprises than is common with his class was in town last week trying to sell an ointment warranted to cure any ailment that the human system is heir to. It was nothing else that Frazer’s axle grease put up in bottles expressly for the occasion.

- A young man by the name of Gardner, an employee at Parkers’ mill, in Scott County, was drowned last week in a bayou below this place. Young Gardner in company with another person came to this place and missing the trains decided to go home on foot. They both fell in the bayou and Gardner, being unable to swim or for some other cause, was drowned.

- We heard a man enquiring the price of pork and whisky and other necessaries of life several days ago, and from his conversation we think he had an idea of locating in our town. He had a large family of coon dogs, and if he had struck the swamps sooner would have been a valuable acquisition to our population. We saw him a few moments after leaning against a post soliloquizing thus: “Pork seven cents a pound, whisky three dollars a gallon, and coon skins down to nothin! No chance for a poor man here.” And he slowly and sadly started his oxen toward Arkansas to spend the summer with his first wife’s relations.



September 11, 1876

“John, you had better go to the drug store and get something for the chills. We have all got ‘em.”

New time table on the railroad. No material change in time of the passenger trains.

Welch township doesn’t make any great pretentions, only being the banner Democratic township of the county, but Stephen Scarlet, who is one of its citizens, has made an exhibition of some of his farm produce that is hard to beat. He has an ear of corn that weighs nearly two pounds, a corn stock measuring over fourteen feet length, and apples weighing a pound a piece, and sweet potatoes pulling down the scales at four pounds. Stephen thinks the growth of all of them was prematurely checked by the army of candidates that have been over the field this summer.

The weather yesterday and today is quite cool, and suggestive of an early opening of the coon-skin trade, which our merchants will hail with demonstrations of joy as trade is always first rate during the time they are carried into market.

Miss Pernecia Unger, who has been teaching a select school at this place during the summer, will take charge of the public school here next Monday. This young lady has shown quite a talent for “teaching the young idea how to shoot.: and we have no doubt that she will continue to give satisfaction in her new position.

The two young men who cut a bee tree last week and found their bees with yellow clothes on, have our sympathy in their disappointment, and if we possessed the eloquence of friend Pond, we would give them a suitable article of condolence, but as we are boys, be sure of your bees next time before felling so much timber.




We imagine that most of our readers know that Allenville is the most important railroad shipping point on the Iron Mountain road in this county. It is 13 miles south of Jackson and is rather unfavorably located, and we should judge it becomes quite a muddy place in rainy weather. It is quite a business place, however. There is two dry goods stores, one saloon, one blacksmith shop, two family grocery stores, one hotel, one butcher shop, several private boarding houses, one school house, one nice church house, (M.E. church south) and quite a large number of dwellings. Allenville is improving too. Mr. Robert Renfroe is just finishing a large two story store house, in which we understand he will open up a large stock of goods before the Holidays. Allenville is one of the important timber shipping points in Southeast Missouri. Within a circle of 5 miles round the place there are twelve saw mills and factories, and within the last year over $50,000 worth of timber has been shipped from this one station.




August 19, 1880

Editor Cash-Book:-

Most of the farmers have thrashed their wheat; but some4 of it is damaged. In general though, there was a good yield. The hay crop was fine. While some saved a good portion other had their crops considerably damaged by the wet weather. Some of the cord crops were as good as were ever grown, and others just as bad. Too much rain injured some crops in the low lands. Farmers are beginning to see that ditching and tilling are needed and some are doing so. Early potato crops are fair; hard to tell how the late ones will turn out.

Several families, Messrs. D.A. Nichols, Miller, and H. C. Hinton went to Hickory Grove School-House to hear Revs. Tong and Revelle preach. Must say they both preached good sermons. Welch township citizens deserve much credit for kind treatment toward their ministers and those visiting from other townships. Everybody is welcomed by them. I am informed they are going to build a new church right away, and I hope it will be finished and dedicated to go and allowed to stand until time and old age wear it out, but not be treated like the little Allenville church------torn down and the pulpit left standing. It makes the cold chills run down a moss-back of ordinary morals, not to say a Christians. The white pulpit reminds one of Lot’s wife who was turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying the command of God.



December 17, 1881

Eds: Cash-Book - We can’t complain of dusty streets now.

Pneumonia is prevailing to some extent at present.

Mr. D. A. Nichols is repairing his dwelling house.

Dr. D.M Simmons has left us, moved to Lakeville last Monday where he will grow up with the new town.

Miss Cora Priest is teaching our public school.

Mr. Jacob Corpnian has his saw mill in operation again.

Uncle Billy Penney is repairing the bridge across Whitewater at his place.

Messrs Cartwright and Williams have located their blacksmith shop here. Mr. Waddle will move his shop to Waddleville at Round pond in a few days.



November 21, 1885

Editor Cash-Book: Today was a great day for law - suits at Allenville. W. S. Copen Sore out warrants a few days ago against W. Tidwell, Bud Tidwell, Robert Thorp, John Thorp, Lu Wilson, Robert French, Chas. Hilly, John Bass and Green Hart, the charges being assaults and threats to do bodily injury to said Copen on Nov. 16th. The trouble seems to have arisen about several horses and mules which were stolen from the neighborhood. W. S. Copen having harbored a couple of strangers at his place, the parties whom warrants were sworn out against, thinking the strangers were the men who stole the horses and mules, went to Copen’s to ascertain what he knew about them. Not finding him at home they told his wife their business. Fearing the above parties, Copen had warrants sworn out against them. Prosecuting Attorney Cramer, after hearing the statements of several good citizens, dismissed the case without trial.

Chas Hilly, one of the defendants in the above case, had Copen arrested for stealing hogs. After hearing several witnesses, this case was also dismissed.. Not having sufficient evidence to make a case against him. And to finish up with, Robt. French and Logan Toler arrested for threats and fear that he would take his life. This case was tried before a jury and a verdict of not guilty was returned. This was the last of the arrests and trials, and all went home happy, having spent a full day in town smoking cigars and paying a few attorney’s fees.


Notice to Contractors 1887

Notice is hereby given that I will, at Kaechele’s Mill, on the 28th day of February, 1887, let contract for building a wooden bridge across the east prong of Whitewater at the head of Bird’s Island on the Allenville and Bird’s Island road.

C. W. Henderson,

Road and Bridge Commissioner.


January 13, 1889

Editor Cash - Book: - Supposing that possibly an item from Allenville to fill up space would not come in amiss. I will endeavor to cast a glimmer upon a few of her every-day doings; evening out entertainments, &c.

The improvements in our village are not very noticeable to passers-by. Nichols has a new lot fence enclosing his barn and lands in town as well as the big fat hog. &c.

Dr. Renfroe has, after making himself many promises, determined to leave old Allenville to cast his fortunes among those of (let us hope) a more congenial clime, where the sun shines at least half the year. Many people attended his large sale of personal property and useful household effects on the 7th inst. To buy cheap bargains and bid adieu to their cherished family doctor and his esteemed lady. They go to St. Louis to live. The good wishes of the people accompany them to their new home.

H. C. Hinton, our worthy townsman, made a starring four some weeks age taking in Poplar Bluff and Hot Springs. Ark. He took a course of baths while at the springs thoroughly renovating his system. The change made in his appearance caused his wife to almost refuse him admittance to her house, notwithstanding he came home in daylight. It did not require much time to bring about a reconciliation. A trip to Hot Springs would do some more of our people good. They are not rheumatics either.

H. C Hinton is doing a fine business, dispensing his wares to the country people for cash.

F. X. Marcheldon, our merchant prince, sweeps the platter as does a new broom. Cash big bundles in his pride. No sand in the sugar here. Clear unadulterated is the word.

Robt. Amos, our young, gentlemanly blacksmith, is doing a hammering business in his shop, turning out new work and repairing old, and putting in the sweetening of nights at the few select entertainments in and about the burg. One accident, however, to him. A night of so since he, in passing a very dark place in the bush out of town a mile, while taking his best girl home from the bee, he struck a stump, and some fragments flew up and hit him in the eye. He closed that one, but immediately opened the other one on his girl’s whereabouts. The eye did not go out but a little piece; he lived and the girl did well.

We are told to-day that the Cotton Belt road has surveyed, and we are to have shops erected here, and a double track from Allenville to the “city of two streaks of rust in the grass”

We have fine building ground for the erection of railroad shops, and building tracks upon, and can be had for the asking, almost.

Messrs. Horrell & Bird’s mill, at this place, under the efficient management of your young townsman. William Hunter is sawing piles of fine lumber for the coming spring trade. They have their own switches and loading tracks near town.

Some business in the way of bolts and ties is being done here, yet not so much as in the past years.

We have a new doctor, a fine appearing gentleman, in the person of Dr. Thrift of Kentucky. My wife says any one coming from Kentucky is of the first water, so consequently we welcome him to our midst with many good wishes. He is making a splendid start, and favorable impression among his patrons.

The wheat in the vicinity looks fine. The prospect seems to have never been better, and good crops sown.

A hint to our road master, Mr. Kinder: Our public roads are wonderfully bad now. Vast room for improvement. The work has been done too late in season. The filling of bad places made them deeper and harder to pull through, for had they been left as they were, people could have pulled over, but now the axles drag on the ground. A little more brush and dirt earlier in summer would make the road more solid for winter.

A transaction has been set on foot and if consummated the result will be the removal of the M. E. church from this place, the Baptist congregation of Welch township being the purchasers. Then Allenville’s Gospel light will have gone out. Some parties of a musical disposition in Jackson cabbaged the organ belonging to the church and public school and carted it away, a loss to us of some efforts and money. The Methodist people, however, have treated our church and people very shabby in the past. One minister away, in the writing to a friend here, said the devil had a mortgage on the place and was then about to foreclose. He was advised to remain away for fear that in the foreclosure he might be engulfed in the awful abyss.

Mrs. M. A. Nichols gave a dinner party to her many lady friends of the city and vicinity. The occasion was highly enjoyed by all present, the table being filled to overflowing with the good things of the best markets. H. C. Hinton, L. M. Bean and L. L. Summerlin being the gentlemen president, did ample justice to themselves and cut a big figure out of what was before them. Summerlin returned thanks for the comforts.

Miss Minnie Walls gave the young people of the town and surrounding country a cotillion party on Thursday night which was a most enjoyable affair, about 100 people participating in the mazy dance, which lasted until 12 o’clock, none but the best of society being present. The music being fine, the participants enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. The young ladies wore their brightest smiles and put on their most bewitching manners. Our young ladies are to be considered belles of the first magnitude, and were it not for fear of incurring the displeasure of Misses Minnie Walls, Ida Looney, Josie Looney and Addie Summerlin I would call some of their names out in meeting!

Our Hickory Ridge neighbors have a fine Sunday School, well attended, and regular services at their school house, now used for that purpose. The writer attends occasionally



May 20, 1889

Editor Cash-Book: - We had a nice Shower of rain here yesterday which will help early potatoes, corn and oats, and wheat some, although wheat looks fine. Farmers are all up to their ears at work, and our saw-mill men are also busy. Messrs. Horrell, Byrd & Co. are doing a fine business. F. Brase, and Capt. Lee Haile will begin to do a general saw-mill and lumber business, M. Koehler & Sons are getting out a lot of logs for the purpose of sawing and manufacturing rough and dressed lumber. Grosclose Brothers of Bird’s Island are doing a general business in cutting rough lumber in ash, oak, poplar, walnut and various other kinds of timber.

Mr. W. W. Norman has moved back to this place from Ash Hill, Mo., and has put up a large saw-mill with planing mill, cut-off saws and other good machinery near Delta, where he intends to cut all kinds of lumber and open up a lumber yard. He has some 5000 or 6000 logs banked on Whitewater ready to float to his mill, and will soon be ready to fill orders. As all these mills are on or near the railroads, parties in want of such lumber as they manufacture will find it to their interest to call and see the proprietors.

Jacob Waddle of Welch township has just finished the best barn in this part of the county. He says he means to save what he raises from now on.

D. A. Nichols, our road overseer, has done some good work on the roads.

Mr. L. J. Summerlin of Welch township lost his oldest daughter very suddenly on Sunday, 12th inst.

The measles have been very prevalent here and in the surrounding country, and have been more severe than usual, as quite a number of children died of the disease.

Robert Amos, the blacksmith, has more work than he can do.

H. C. Hinton & Co. are doing a fair business.

The colored population, as well as some of the whites, are having quite a little excitement over a man who claims he came from the Fedjee Islands, and was a cannibal and has eaten human flesh, and claims he can speak twenty languages.



Clay Kinder Caught

Clay Kinder, who killed R. W. Renfroe at Allenville several months ago, was captured on the railroad about a half mile south of Jackson at 3 o’clock a.m. yesterday morning. J. R. Jenkins, J. H. Jenkins and Linn Jenkins were the parties who made the arrest. On the 4th of July Sheriff Bierwirth deputized J. R. Jenkins to arrest Kinder if he could do so. Mr. Jenkins learned last Tuesday that Kinder was down about Allenville and was probably making his way toward Jackson.

The three Jenkins’ secreted themselves at a point on the railroad to watch for Kinder and make the arrest in case he came up the road. About the hour above named their waiting was rewarded by Kinder making his appearance. He was halted, made to throw up his hands and surrender. Kinder was armed with a pistol, and also had a pocket-knife with him, but he made no resistance. He was brought to town and lodged in jail. The county court certainly did a wise thing the other day when it offered a reward for the arrest of Kinder. Without that reward Clay would doubtless have been permitted to hide around over the country for a long time yet. He would not only have been allowed to cultivate his corn crop near Allenville, but to gather it when the time came. Some how the idea got abroad that Clay was a very desperate negro, the son of the noted outlaw, Sam Hildebrand, and it is thought that this impression on the mind of the public made it the more difficult for our officers to find him. It caused the woods to get thicker, the nights darker, and made the officers’ engagements elsewhere more frequent and urgent.




March 25, 1892

Editor Cash-Book:-

This is the first day of spring like weather. People show up with bright faces and all in a hurry to commence work. Our Blacksmith put on his summer countenance, toned up his helper, and struck his first double heavy licks today, while Mrs. Blacksmith and baby looked on with delight. The baby is a fine boy.

The business of our little town is improving. We have now four respectable stores where the comforts of life are kept and dispensed. F. X. Marcheldon carries a large and complete stock of everything needed by country people. H. C. Hinton, general hardware, drugs, medicines, and groceries, keeps also a select stock of wooden overcoats (Coffins), which, by the way, are called for almost daily. One today for old man Christian Bohnsack of Huppyville, who died yesterday. A new merchant, Mr. Summerlin, has come among us. He bores with a big sugar that carries the chips clean off the hole, and fires into his legion of customers with a big gun; cash or no trade. W.R. Misenhimer, our genial, good humored post master, is no bad hand at the turning of a few extra dollars; sells groceries at the lowest figure, and keeps the best coffee in America. This one article makes him a favorite with all the ladies. Two Saloons, at which one can obtain the finest Budwiser, old Oscar Peper and down to the vile which makes men forget their wives and families and steal their own money. The Proprietors names-----well, everybody knows them, I do.

The wheat in the country looks fine and the oats fair to be the best for years. The health of the country is fair. No doctor here, so we tough it out alone. Two fires occurred in our neighborhood; Nussbaum’s store house and William Hitt’s house. Origin of fire not known.

Religious services are now regularly held in our village. Since the devil closed his claim on the M.E. Church here the people assemble in the public school room. Bro. Booker Ford is the preacher in charge. The Baptists thrifty congregation at Round Pond; regular service also.

Some stir among the people regarding the people’s party. Our esteemed friend and neighbor , Jacob Waddell, is delegate to their convention. Open meeting being held your correspondent has been cordially invited to attend.

The saw mills about us are doing a full days business now, Mr. W.W. Norman has contracted for two million feet of lumber for Singer Sewing Machine Co., and has bought 1000 acres of timber in and about Delta from which he is now bringing large quantities of huge logs to his mill situated there. Norman is a pusher for Bill. Nichols is operating the Leemon Haile saw mill in Welch township, making lumber for country people.Mr. and Mrs. Webster had an evening of entertainment on Friday night to smooth the pathway of our school teacher, Mr. John Green, who goes in other pastures new. “Good-bye John”

Respectfully, N. A. D.


April 18, 1892

Editor Cash-Book:-

By your permission I will correct a mistake which I saw in last week’s Cash-Book in regards to Wm. J. Strong, deceased. He was a son of Isom Strong near snider’s mill instead of J.W. Strong.

Health is generally good. Farmers are somewhat behind with their work on account of recent rains. Wheat looks fine, and the prospect for a good crop is favorable.

The F.M.B.A.’s have made a clean sweep of Democracy and Republicanism in Welch township. Hardly enough of either of the old parties for a caucus. The boys are only out on an excursion, or prospecting tour. I think they will fall into line long about November.



April 25, 1892

Our business men have a good opportunity to go fishing now, as the farmers are all busy putting in their crops.

As we have now reached the time again when politics is the leading subject of the day, it is well to mention some good men for candidates. D. A. Nichols is a staunch Republican and a good business man in every respect. I think the Republican party would do themselves great credit by nominating Mr. Nichols for assessor. H. C. Hinton, the present coroner of this county, is a Democrat of the right kind. He is well posted in law and has filled the office of coroner, justice of the peace and notary public to the satisfaction of the people. Mr. Hinton has the reputation of being a very impartial judge when presiding over cases that come under his jurisdiction. We would like to see Mr. Hinton made the candidate of the Democratic party for county judge from the 2nd district.

J. W.


May 1892

Editor Cash-Book:

Plenty of rain and mud in this section of the county.

Farmers are very much behind with their corn planting, owing to so much rain.

Health is very good.

The Mississippi river is in two miles of Delta. It is running over the Rock Levy below Cape Girardeau three feet deep but now the water is receding slowly.

There was a ball given at the hall here in Allenville last night by Mr. James Grimes. Quite a success. There was a very large crowd of young folks. The dance lasted until old Sol made his appearance above the horizon this morning. Music was furnished by the Laflin String Band, accompanied by that young and accomplished violinist, H. S. Brown of Jackson. While the dance was in progress a cake was put up and raffled off to the prettiest girl in the house. The young lady who “took the cake” was Miss Mamie Bellows of Henson. The cake brought $13.50. A fine cake and a pretty girl. You will hear from me again.

Yours, Rambler


June 6, 1892

Editor Cash-Book:

Farmers are embarrassed in their work in consequence of excessive rain and overflowing streams.

The Mississippi River, which has been overflowing the low lands near Delta, is receding rapidly.

The prospects for a good wheat crop are encouraging in this part of the county.

Since the new time table went into effect on the Iron Mt. the passengers for St. Louis take their dinner at Delta.

Passenger train No. 58, north bound, due at Allenville 12:26 p.m. o’clock, going south 2:25 o’ clock p.m.

Mrs. Anna August, wife of Barney August of Allenville, died on the 4th last at seven o’clock p.m. She leaves a husband and two small children, and many relatives and friends to mourn her departure.

Our merchants are doing a lively business, as they have a full stock of goods. Mr. Robert Amos, our blacksmith, has a good patronage. Those wishing work done in that line should give Mr. A. a call.

Mrs. E. Webster, Miss Flora Potter and Miss Anna Jones of Texas returned from St. Louis Sunday evening.

There will be a grand 4th of July celebration at Delta. Refreshments of all kinds will be on the ground. Good well and cistern water for the occasion. A dancing floor and good music has been procured.

Rev. Mr. Cooksey of Charleston delivered a sermon in Allenville Sunday.

Mr. P. W. Caldwell and Miss Mamie Bellows of Henson, Mississippi county, were visiting in Allenville recently.

Respectfully, Rambler


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